Frenectomy Using Laser Technology
A frenum is a muscular attachment between two tissues. It usually connects the movable soft tissue on the buccal/labial side to a fixed keratinized/soft tissue of the alveolar ridge. It serves to limit the movement of the movable part. It can be on the labial, buccal, or lingual side. The most common frenum is labial frenum that attaches from the center of the upper lip to between the upper two front teeth (central incisors). It is un-esthetic, it can cause a large gap, and gum recession by pulling the gums off the bone. It often recommends removing frenum in conjunction with orthodontic treatment by a procedure called frenectomy.
678 985-8087
Lawrenceville Office
1605 Buford Drive
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Norcross Office
6040C Dawson Blvd
Norcross, GA 30093
Please visit our
page to see more clinical cases treated by Dr. Nguyen
Patient has strong frenum between #27 & 28. It is un-esthetic and prevents space between these teeth to close. Laser procedure was done to remove the frenum
Patient has strong frenum between #27 & 28. It is un-esthetic and prevents space between these teeth to close. Laser procedure was done to remove the frenum