Gingivectomy Using Laser Technology
Patients who have excessive gum tissue (gummy smile) can have teeth with a shortened appearance. Having excessive gum tissue can sometimes cause a person to feel very self-conscious. Excessive gum tissue can be enhanced by using a cosmetic procedure call gingivectomy. This procedure reshapes the gums to provide a more pleasing smile. It is performed in our office using a soft tissue laser with very little discomfort to the patient and the recovery time is minimal. In some cases, we don’t have to use a needle, just a topical numbing gel. Your new smile will look beautiful and better that you ever thought possible!
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678 985-8087
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visit our main website at
Lawrenceville Office
1605 Buford Drive
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Norcross Office
6040C Dawson Blvd
Norcross, GA 30093
Please visit our
page to see more clinical cases treated by Dr. Nguyen
Patient who has gingival overgrowth during orthodontic treatment was treated using laser technology to reshape gingival soft tissue for esthetic enhancement. Photo courtesy of Dr Lia Vo at the Vo Dentistry
Patient who has gummy smile was treated using laser technology to reshape gingival soft tissue for esthetic enhancement. Photo courtesy of Dr Lia Vo at the Vo Dentistry
Patient who has gingival overgrowth during orthodontic treatment was treated using laser technology to reshape gingival soft tissue for esthetic enhancement. Photo courtesy of Dr Lia Vo at the Vo Dentistry
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