Uncovering Impacted Teeth Using Laser Technology
Teeth can be impacted on either labial or palatal side. When it is impacted in soft tissue, laser technology can be used to gain access for bracket placement. These procedures some times do not require needles and virtually no pain postoperatively. It significantly reduces treatment time.
678 985-8087
Lawrenceville Office
1605 Buford Drive
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Norcross Office
6040C Dawson Blvd
Norcross, GA 30093
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page to see more clinical cases treated by Dr. Nguyen
Patient has #11 impacted on the palatal side. Soft tissue laser was used to uncover the tooth, A button was bonded in order to guide #11 into the right position
Patient has #11 impacted on the labial side. Soft tissue laser was used to uncover the tooth. A bracket was bonded in order to guide #11 into the right position