Class II Division 2 Treatment Without Extraction
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678 985-8087
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1605 Buford Drive
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Norcross Office
6040C Dawson Blvd
Norcross, GA 30093
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Class II div 2 patient treated non extraction. Patient's profile significantly improves
Class II patients usually present with underlying skeletal discrepancy between maxilla and mandible. The lower jaw is positioned far back from the upper jaw. Unlike class II division 1 (buck teeth), Class II division 2 malocclusion is characterized by the upright and retroclined position of upper central incisors in conjunction with excess vertical overbite and an excessive interincisal angle. The treatment of skeletal class II division 2 is similar to those of class II division 1. It depends upon the age of the patient, patient’s facial profile, growth potential, severity of malocclusion, and compliance of patient with treatment. In growing individuals, growth modification procedures can be carried out before the cessation of active growth to correct the skeletal discrepancy using functional appliances like Herbst, MARA, Forsus or Jasper Jumper after level and alignment phase.
Class II Division 2
MARA Appliance
Class II div 2 patient has severe upper incisor retrusion treated non extraction.
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